Saturday, November 1, 2008

Back on the Mountain

When I first started on my weight loss journey, I couldn't seem to eat right and work out at the same time. Focusing on both made me go cross eyed! So after a few months of just focusing on my diet, I decided to start hiking Thunderbird Mountain and it became a turning point for me and my weight loss. My whole mentality changed towards the "dieting" process and it truly became about being healthy. It soon got too hot to hike, and my mom and I joined the gym. Which has been great, but I have been itching to get back on the mountain. Well, today I did it! It felt so good to be out there again! I am going to try to make it my Saturday morning ritual, and maybe it is just what I need to get me back on track!


Jessica said...

There's nothing like being in nature!!!! Enjoy your hikes!! I miss the mountains of NM.

Josh and Emily said...

How fun to hear from you. I am glad to be in contact with you again! You are totally welcome to view my blog. If it is okay I will put your address on my address link page. Fun to see you again!

Summer said...

Thats awesome I love hiking ! I am the same way I cant seem to do both at once!!! work out and eat always one or the other!

Kathie said...

Awesome blog! Same here on eating and exercising. That's what I did too when I decided to tackle them both - hiking. I THOUGHT you looked smaller each time I saw you but thought maybe it was just a disappearing act! You look great - and good job - it's hard to stay on track. And you guys were awesome at the dance!