Friday, March 20, 2009

5 Years and We Haven't Killed Each Other...Yet

I know...bets were made(we had them ourselves), but yes, Dave and I have made it and plan on continuing to make it. I think the only proper way to commemorate this day is by quoting a beloved man...President Hinkley...

Anyone who imagines that bliss in normal is going to waste a lot of time running
around and shouting that he has been robbed. Life is like an old-time rail
journey; delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, intersperced only
occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to
thank the Lord for letting us have the ride.

Thanks for the ride babe! I look forward to continuing to laugh, cry, scream, and rejoice at the railway that is our life!

Always and Forever


Jessica said...

You guys are the bestest! If Josh and I can make it one year You will make it forever!

Nicole Hunter said...

Congratulations on 5 years! That's awesome! You guys are cute together! It was fun seeing you a few weeks ago! :)

barryblog said...

Just wanted to let you know that me and my peanut are okay!! I realized how bad I actually looked once I got home. Scary!! Congrats on 5 years!!

Mandie said...

I LOVE that quote!!! Congrats to you both! I'd say it's a miracle...but can you say that if it was really HARD work that got you there?! ;0) Can I use that quote to pay it forward instead...;0)